What is a Chiropractic Adjustments

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment / Manipulation

A Chiropractic adjustment is performed by a highly trained board certified chiropractor(1). These kind of treatment(s) is a therapy that uses the doctors hands or special instruments to apply a quick and controlled force to manipulate joint(s) in your body(2). This reduces pain by correcting your body’s alignment and allowing your body to function normally. For a more in-depth understanding of how an adjustment helps with pain and muscle spasms Click Here

Chiropractors use as little pressure as possible when performing the adjustment. This allows for the joint to move back into place with the least amount of restriction and pain.

Chiropractic care is non-invasive when performed by a trained doctor of Chiropractic. This is why Chiropractic care and adjustments are the most common alternative treatment option in the United States. (3)(4) Over 10% of the the United States population seek Chiropractic care (5) on a regular basis not only for pain and discomforts but also for wellness.

Chiropractic care offer treatments that compliments traditional medical care.