Eye Movement


Brain Function



With next generation software for testing patients and athletes with dizziness / balance disorders, CONCUSSION or testing to improve the ability move better, faster and with more control. Our VNG from Micromedical VisualEyes 525 is videonystagmography system that lets you touch the future of balance and overall mind and body control.


Optokinetic Test

The optokinetic system, allows a person to keep a target steady while the body or head is in motion. Example of this is walking, running, playing sports, driving. With out this optokinetic system our perception of the world would be like constantly trying to function during severe earthquake.

The optokinetic system is highly affected by head injuries, stroke, migraines, even stress and over sensory stimulation. With the help of the VNG, we find the areas of weakness and we develop treatment plans to help normalize our patient’s eye movements.

Spontaneous Nystagmus

This test shows us how your eyes function in the dark ie. when we blink, close our eyes or when we sleep. This is one of the more important test that a functional neurologist can perform so they can get a better insight of how your brain functions when you take away your eyes from focusing on a target. This will exploit other parts of your brain that help with eye movement and shows us what the doctor needs to work on.

Nystagmus is defined as involuntary movement of the eyes.

Eye pursuits

VNG allows insight of how your brain properly functions with concentration, memory, reaction times, emotions, cognition, and motor control. The assessments from our VNG shows neurol networks that integrate visual abilities with mind and body function.

Our VNG is binocular formated which provides simultaneous subjective observation of eye movements, neural integration, and objective collection and analysis of eye movement waveforms during vestibular testing and rehabilitation.