Q & A

Questions & Answers

 Why should I get assessed and treated:

Pain(s), discomfort(s), compensation, decreased ranges of motion to your joints, muscle tightness, balance issues, feeling off etc.… are all symptoms that your body and brain are telling you that something is not right. These symptoms are a form of sensory distortion, which causes the brain and body to not work correctly. Any kind of sensory distortion causes our sense of reality to be skewed and sends these aberrant messages to the brain, whereby the brain then conforms to these sensory distortion and makes the distorted information your reality… So to simplify, if your are constantly performing the wrong movement or perceiving information wrong, you are programing your brain wrong and therefore does not function efficiently.

Studies have shown over and over that sensory distortion over the course of time can alter the brains environment causing it to work harder or work slower than what it should ie. Anxiety/depression, mood changes, personality changes, forgetfulness, memory issues, hormonal issues, movement pattern issues, GI issues, smell and taste issues, balance issues which increases the chance of injury to body etc…

If you are experiencing any kind of sensory distortions, pains, discomforts, decreased range of motion, or feeling unease, for no reason or for a reason ( ie. trauma,whiplash, sport injuries, post surgical, psychological stress or physical stress etc…) then I suggest that you make an appointment and get assessed.

What does Chiropractic treatment look like:

Treatment varies for every individual.  For our new patients we recommend them coming in 4 – 6 times in the span of the first 2 weeks of treatment.  Most studies have shown, as well as in my clinical findings, that with consistent treatment in a short period of time, allows for the best and fastest outcome for the patient.  Being compliant with proper treatment helps facilitate: proper communication from the brain to the problem area, increase blood flow, increase muscle activation, increase sensory awareness and decrease pain. 

Approximately 80% of our new patient that follow this treatment plan are usually: pain free, increased their active daily lifestyle with little to no pain, .  The other 20% of our patients may need a different treatment plan due to multiple factors such as: severe trauma, in season sports, playing a sport all year round, post-surgical, severe chronicity, auto-immune etc.. these patients are put on a different kind of treatment plan or we refer them out for additional diagnostics or consultations.

Treatments can be:

A simple manipulation of your joints which can help with modulation of pain, increase joint ranges of motions, increase muscle contraction, increase sensory awareness, increase stabilization and increase the central integrated state of neural processing.


More in-depth with an array of therapies and manipulations.  Therapies consisting as physical therapy, sport specific therapy, localized therapy, reflexive therapy, neurological therapy, electric stimulation / ultra sound therapy, massage therapy, scar tissue therapy etc… These kinds of therapies will be determined by the doctor.

 What kind of treatment(s) are done when I get Chiropractic therapy?

                If you are a first-time patient, your first visit will consist of the doctor going over your medical history, performing a physical medical exam, and go over any question(s) that you may have.  The doctor will then perform manipulations to the spine and extremity with a possibility of some therapeutic procedures (Active release of the muscles, muscle activation, trigger point therapy etc..).  When you return for treatment, the doctor will go over any additional questions you have, perform a quick assessment and manipulate you again.  How you respond from the first two treatments will dictated further treatments and the amount of time needed for each treatment. If you are coming in with a trauma please call us so we can then accommodate to your needs.

                If you are an existing patient, the doctor will talk with you and ask questions to make sure that there has been no change in your health status, social status, or eating/fluid intake.  We will then manipulate and perform any additional therapies if needed.  If you are responding well to care, treatment can be as fast as five minutes. Now remember a joint manipulation changes the environment of the brain as well as changes the physiology of the surrounding tissues in a matter of seconds. It is one of the only form therapy that can have such a drastic change happen so fast. This is why sometimes a manipulation is all you need.


If you are in a lot of pain, have a lot of stiffness, decreased range of motion, not feeling like yourself, etc.… then we will have you come back 2-4 more times either for an extended treatment ( 30 - 60 min) where more therapies will be done or for just a manipulation.  Consistency with treatment is crucial for helping the tissues heal correctly, decrease pain, increase ranges of motion to you dysfunctional joints, allowing your body to reform good tissue in the right fascial plane when you strains/sprains, disc issues, joint pain, spasms etc.. The more consistent a patient is the faster and better they heal.